YSaturday, March 29, 2008' 11:39 PM
hi humans.t0day had tuiti0n.n0 lollip0p agn.>.<cus k0r p0n tuiti0n.s0 nvr give miie l0llip0p.hmph~ p0n wat p0n la. i am guai kia. gt g0 0ne 0kie~during brk went t0 seven eleven.i saw k0r thr. LOL.asked him y at thr.he say ply bball very h0t, wan buy drink.hot?! its drizzling. i tink he gt fever ba?anyway, ask him t0 buy lollip0p 4 miie.wahahaha. in th end stilll gt l0llip0p.^.^den english tuiti0n s0 sleepy de lo.keep 0n d0zing 0ff. XDDytd damn late slp canns.ending here,tata.
YFriday, March 28, 2008' 10:36 PM

yesterday. went 0ut with br0.
he wun let miie f0t0 him.>.<
my face look s0 tired ndd pale.
everyting g0ne back t0 th past.
i cn hardly smile like b4.
hi humans.damn tired de lo.br0 6 s0meting wake miie up.sia0. ppl slp until aftern00n de he s0 early call miie up.den ask miie hlp him d0 his tuiti0n hwk.HAHA. i dun have tuiti0n 2day bt br0 have,cus tuiti0n tcher gt 0ther w0rk t0 d0.w00ts.ytd br0 c miie s0 sian b0ught 0ne big packet 0f gummies 4 miie.l0ve u lahs br0!ate gummies f0r dinner while watching kung fu dunk.br0 managed t0 rent da0. li hai l0. last few weeks i wan rent den all rent finish lia0.he rent jiu have.=.=jay ch0u is damn cute de lo.th m0vie was quite nice.just that th stunts all very fake.munching 0n titbits.tis few days at h0me s0 sian.keep 0n digging tings t0 eat.XDDdun0 will gr0w fat 0nt.4 m0re kg.just 4kg.den i 40kg lia0. wahahaha.went t0 cut my hair just nw. cuz i dun wan my THICK hair t0 suck up all my nutrients 0r fight f0r nutrients with my brain.XDD jks lur. bt tis is th fact. hair d0es suck ur nutrients. ndd i tink tis fact is very funny. LOL.just wan my hair damn thin. den i shi0k. sia0 der.x)ending here, tata.
familiar s0ng huh?
song changed t0 ''i'll be waiting''
sung by lenny kravitz.
L change the w0rld als0 have.XDD
YThursday, March 27, 2008' 11:23 PM
hi humans.nw at zeh0ng k0r's h0use using c0m.didnt wanna g0 his h0use der, just wanna slack at admiralty place thr. 0ur 0ld place.XDDden dam h0t thr, th sun dun0 y s0 glaring bright.is messy de l0 his h0use.sum0re all curtains cl0se s0 tight.his h0use damn dim sia.t0ld k0r everyting.i tink he ran 0ut 0f j0kes t0 make miie laugh?XDDcus he 0nly keep 0n tickling miie. like NW?! hais. he als0 n0 c0mments.ytd alm0st quarreled with jean mei.cus she kept 0n f0rcing miie t0 d0 th tings i dun wan t0.n0b0dy really understands wat i feel nd wan.although i t0ld jean 100 times hw i feel.bt she still insisted i sh0uld d0 her way.im nt happy at all if i d0 wat she suggest 0k!k0r is still th best, he wun f0rce miie t0 d0 anyting i dun wish t0.and 0ne m0re ting.K0R'S C0M DAMN LAG DE L0R.just nw aft geog ms lam talked t0 miie.abt s0meting.LOL.i n0e. nt ms lam dun wanna hlp miie.she really wished t0, bt she scared my mum n0e.XDi understand la.ms lam xim tia i like him s0 l0ng. jkjks XDDtinking 0f it, last yr feb ms lam already n0e lia0.den every half yr ask miie i still like him 0nt.LOL. my ans is always yes.ending here. wan g0 0ut eat with k0r lia0.tata~^^
f0t0s taken ytd.

my 0ther half....
hi peeps...
ytd,, f0rgot t0 d0 chinese hwk,
den tcher punish miie write chinese diary.
HAHA! didnt write cus dun0 wan write wat.
luckily today n0 chinese.
qiya0 msg miie ytd.
chatted f0r a while.
really wish we cn be like th past.
''Sisters'' LOL!
bt past is th past.
nw everyting changed just bcus of his 0ne qn....
he didnt change at all..
still that 0ld cute ndd funny qiya0.
hes really my j0ker.
0nly he cn make miie laugh thru sms sia.LOL
den he suddenly asked tt qn agn.=.=
i didnt say anyting. just tel him t0 study hard.
cus g0ing t0 th best ite is his wish.
see~ i still rmb.... last yr he say he wan g0 best ite.
den he say if hepass all subject den i stead with him....
i didnt say yes ndd he say DEAL.
ok watever. just h0pe he cn pass lo.
2day w0re lenses t0 sch.
w0re 0ver th limited time.
den at cca my eyes is dam pain de l0r.
chelsea is rite.
if w0re 0ver limited time th c0nsequences is my eyes bl00dy red like hell..
saw chung zheng in bus 0n h way h0me.
he wear pink c0llar tee..
is hands0me de 0kays....XDD
den he say hi t0 miie i didnt ans.
s0rry ya...
my eyes dam pain canns..... wan blind lia0 lahs.>.<
ending. bye~^^
YSunday, March 23, 2008' 3:43 AM
人家大雄有多啦A梦。我的多啦A梦呢?我只要多啦A梦帮我改正我做错的一个决定,和实现一个简单的愿望就好...也不是突然想到多啦A梦才写的啦,有两个原因。第一个是因为今年实在太倒霉了啦。我做事就像斗牛一样,看到红布就冲,都没想到红布后面可能是陷阱。这只是比例啦。我真的做错了一个决定,就因为我没想到后果...可是我真的已经在用很忏悔的态度面对这件事了耶!所以,我管我的多啦A梦是人还是什么鬼,真的希望它/他能帮我... 他...
hi peeps.........ytd zeh0ng k0r bike miie h0me...i didnt wan t0 reach h0me s0 early,,if nt needa see ndd hear my m0ther's kuku face ndd v0ice agn...=.=s0 asked k0r t0 ride r0und and r0und ar0und admiralty place.aft tt went t0 7 eleven t0 buy sweets.k0r helped miie pay 4 it.abt 7.45 jiu cycle h0me.i ate all 3 ment0s s0ur 0n th way.den k0r say ppl is high bl00d pressure den im l0w bl00d pressure.den reached h0me mum wan miie g0 cwp with her agn.=.=HAIS.den 0n th way she kip 0n say gt sm0ke smell.den she g0 toilet p0ur 0ut everyting in my bag ndd check gt cigarettes 0nt.=.=SIAO.i didnt sm0ke 0k.i was dam pissed 0ff lo...anyh0w check my bag....0wn daughter als0 dun believe...-.-den at thr nag nag nag agn.0pen m0uth jiu nag, can0t say 0ther tings isit....=.=den gave her th buay s0ng face.i tis few days very bad m00d lia0,,still used her kuku v0ice t0 screw miie up.den t0day went f0r tuiti0n.k0r gave miie l0llip0p.k0r ndd miie dam lame de l0,,v at th same tuiti0n ceter, same r00m...at thr sms each 0ther...cuz tcher dun0 y s0 fierce 2day..v make a little s0und 0nly she at thr scream like wat....=.=mayb quarrelled with her bf?dun0 la...ending here,,i wan g0 slp ndd f0rgt everyting lia0,,tata...............x(IDOIT,, DUMP MIIE CAN?MY HEART IS NT WITH U..IM GIVING U TH RITES TO DUMP MIIE YE!SORRY, I N0E ITS MY FAULT.BT I JUST CNT GET OVER HIM.S0RRY..............TSJ! ILOVEYOU.IM S0 CRAZY 0VER U,,WAT ABT U?U DUMB....
YFriday, March 21, 2008' 10:00 PM
hi peep.....................
dam n0 m00d canns.
yea, f0r s0meting,
shh...... cnt tell.
th0se wh0 n0e,, just shut up.x(
ytd ze h0ng k0r k0r slack with miie at v0id deck.he gave miie a plushie.i sh0uld be happy.....bt i cried...my life just SUCKS.anyway,, thanks k0r k0r f0r ur sh0ulder.thanks f0r comforting miie.thanks for being thr when i need u.thanks f0r that plushie t00.its s0 cute.
h0pe u'll bike miie h0me agn aft tuiti0n 2day.HAHA!
ending here,
hais. dam sh0rt p0st...
yesterday's tears,,
are all because 0f u........
tell ya a secret........i still l0ve TSJ........shh..........
YSaturday, March 15, 2008' 4:46 AM
hi peeps...t0day went 0ut with j0anne rachel sarah gina jaycelyn t0 th library,,t0 discuss th maths draft 1 tingy...v first try t0 understand th t0pic v r g0nna teach,,den at tt time i feel im s00 dam dumb ndd tupidd lo,,feels like everyb0dy understands 0nly miie,,den j0anne ndd rachel nidda explain t0 miie 0nly,,den explain 1 time i dun0,, sec0nd time still dun0,, third time den slightly gt it...i damn fucking b0d0h ndd id0it canns....>.<s0metimes dun really feel gd when im gr0uping with ppl hu's class p0siti0ns r all much higher den mines...T.Ti n0e they dam fed up when they nidda explain t0 miie s0 many times...bt my maths really sucks ma,, nd i really tried my best t0 understand...they cn just read ndd understand... i still nidd ppl t0 explain t0 miie...>.<haizz....feel s0,,, behind lo...x(nvms,, tmr i'll read myself ndd try t0 explain t0 myself....XDDD *aiing~*den aft tt went f00dc0urt t0 eat ndd went f0r tuiti0n,,wala0,, my leg is dam pain de lo...cuz 0f tt pair 0f sh0es....kip 0n up nd d0wn up nd d0wn,, fricti0n until my feet skin t0rn lia0,,den bl00d came 0ut...XDDden still nidda walk t0 tuiti0n center,,i was like,, limping lia0 l0...den tuiti0n dam funny sia,,gt 0pen b00k or n0tes test,,den i didnt bring all my n0tes...=.=den alvin saw ndd say,,''wah,,, u didnt bring ur n0tes ar? wan s0me?''den th dam big m0uth tcher say,,''y? u like her is it? willing t0 sacrifice ur n0tes 4 her...''i was like dam embarassing lia0 lo...den aft 1 hr he kip 0n call tcher 'cher,cher'den tcher say,''cher' in french is 'darling' leh,, u wan miie t0 be ur darling ar?'XDDden alvin n0e lia0 kip calling ze h0ng cher....tcher say him unisexual,, she said,,''1 hr ag0,, u say u like YUE QING, nw u like ze h0ng''i heard my name agn i feel like,,,=.=tis tcher like t0 say my name s0 much h0r,, s0 many girls she dun say....-.-den aft she say alvin big mouth,,=.= as if shes nt...she g0 draw 0ne big big alvin 0n th b0ard with a big big m0uth,,den give us all except 4 alvin 0ne rubberband,,she say,,''all aim ndd shoot alvin's m0uth,,den next week he come,, u c his mouth swollen...''XDDden v kip sh00tin like wat sia.. i admit it was dam childish....XDDden aft test tcher teach chap 5,,, wahahaha.... th m0st interesting t0pic in science...XDDden she say abt girls puberty,,den tt tupid alvin g0 say,, gt 0ne thai b0xer d0 sex 0perati0n den became s0 lady,, nw a m0del...wala0,, he s0 0ut 0f th t0pic l0,,den zi tian g0 say,,''washing b0ard bec0me m0unt everest''LOL... dam funny l0...v t00k abt 30 mins j0king....den left 30 mins..=.=den in th end tcher 0nly teach us 5 sentences 0f n0tes...=.=erm,, tis p0st is quite l0ng huh...XDDending here,,tata~^^sorry girls,,i will try my best t0 d0 th maths tingy,,
YWednesday, March 12, 2008' 7:50 PM
hi peeps....had HEAVY flu ytd...den s0 sleepy ytd....i spent alm0st half 0f th day slping canns...dun n0e y gt flu jiu bcome pig der...=.=th weather la,, dam c0ld ytd...nidda use two blankets...even my hands als0 bcome s0 s0lid ndd stiff...d0esn't feel like my hands,,XDfr0zen lia0 lahs...s0mem0re tis m0rning still rainin...wala0... water very preci0us de leh....dunn kip 0n rain rain rain leh...=.=s0 hard t0 msn...=.=my br0's bl0ody friend, weixi0ng, dam funny sia...br0 g0 0ut eat with willy,,i didn't g0 cuz i dun feel like eating...den aft they g0 0ut weixi0ng called...first time hear his v0ice sia,,ndd it s0unds s0 kuku ndd gay...he say,''jia0 zhewei ting dian hua''i say,, ''he g0 eat shit with willy lia0 lahs''den he say,,''wala0,, y u let him eat with willy? willy is terrorist lai de,,he 0ne gang with mas selamat de,,'' i heard tis i was laughin like hells lia0s...den he ask,'' they g0 0ut hw l0ng le,,''i say, ''bout' 1hr plus?''den he say,''die lia0 l0... willy kill him lia0 lo... whr gt ppl eat 1hr plus de... later u g0 d0wnstairs c his bl00dy c0rpse..''XDDD L0L..i didnt n0e br0 friends all s0 cute der...i knew he didnt meant t0 cheer miie up,,bt thks canns...^^sum0re his kuku v0ice makes his tupid j0kes s0und s0 funnybr0 didnt g0 d0wnstairs eat in th first place canns...he g0 0ther bl00dy place eat...ending here lahs,,tata...i dunn wish to tink abt tt ting canns...AIAI, i look happy when i g0 0ut with u allcuz i wanna l0ok my happiest when im with my girlfriends...bt,, thats just all fake...im changing back t0 my 0ldself which i really hate...
YTuesday, March 11, 2008' 8:02 PM
hi peeps....i s0 sian at h0me...my br0 b0 dai ji g0 rent dead silence agn...=.=wann rent hw many thousand times den he happy sia...ytd went 0ut with j0anne sarah jaycelyn ndd ginat0 celebrate j0anne's birthday...LOL.... ytd learnt sumting frm j0anne...如果对自己的爱情没信心,就不要太投入...到最后,流最多眼泪,受到最大伤害的还是自己...不要傻傻地以为什么都可以永远...i dun0 hw t0 translate tis part int0 english yea...ending here,,tata....
YMonday, March 10, 2008' 12:09 AM
hi peeps~holiday s0 sian....pei-ed fucktard nephew g0 bugis....i wans buy cl0thes de,,budden he walk s0 fast,,h0lding my wrist s0 pain,,draaging miie like im his daughter...-.-den when i ask him, uncle,, y d0 u have th need to h0ld my hand...he g0 say,, cus my leg short,, walk very slow...wth.... as if his leg very long liddat,, he tink he wat? m0del ah...oh, watever,, ndd v only spent 1hr in bugis jus to find his tupid belt ndd bag,,wala0,, other place dun hav liddat,, die die als0 wan g0 until bugis s0 far...feel like kicking his ______ so mmuch sia.... den 0n th way home,,gt one uncle farttttt~!!!assh0les la,, wan fart g0 10000km away frm miie~!!!den went back h0me 0nline....nephew still in my house,,he very ke qi hor,,when is he sh00-ing out of my house??den she kip 0n ask miie gt chatt with dear ant hlp her say sorry,,<3>sorry dun0 hw to say herself ah...den she ask 3rd time i s0 fed up,,i g0 say,, im nt chatting with him cuz hes busy ok,, den she say,, hw u n0e....den i say,, cus i gt heart c0nnection with him kays... i bet hes missing miie nw..she really go ask dear gt miss miie onts,,,dear really g0 say yes sia...LOL.... soo funn....den she say she l0se t0 miie le,,den she g0 tel dear ndd miie i gt telepathy wid dear...lol,, i tink she admit defeat ndd wun spam dear anym0res le ba....ending here,,tata~IM MISSING HIM TOO CANNS?...
YSunday, March 9, 2008' 3:17 AM
hi peeps...nth to post...zzz...=.=had tuition 2day...ndd th boys kip 0n say wat 'viagra vigra viagra..'ndd i seriously dun0 wat is tt...@.@ndd i realise,,ppl tt have bfs mayb quite blind....XDrecently,, i didnt realise ppl around miie were s0 'emo'...=.=LOL... mayb really im th only one putting a real smile 0n my face??others' all r fake?tings r bcuming m0re nd m0re c0nfusing sia...nw i finally understand y sumtimes ppl wouldn't wanna n0e sumtings...cuz they will gt hurt in th end...bt mayb sumtimes its jus min0r tings they take it to0 seriously?tis few days dun0 gt neglect dear ant..cus kip 0n g0ing out with nephews ndd friends....but i regretted giving dear's msn t0 her...she seems s0 int0 dear...ndd kip 0n spammin dear msges...>.<hmph~ im abit jealous canns...nvm... i trust dear der...^^ending here,, tata~ndd,, my fwens hu said their putting a fake smile on their face,, cheer upps~!!iloveDear kays~^^ndd,, imissHim dearly...>.<
YFriday, March 7, 2008' 12:41 AM
hey peeps~nth to post..-.-holiday le,,nd is sian de lo...my mum sure dragg miie g0 back malaysia...anyway,, i gt class position 19.. dear too..^^nd i gt geog nd sci a1~dear gt 1st 4 literature...pr0<3*claps*ttz my worse subj i failed... 45 only..>.<dun0 mum c my report book will hav wat reaction...XDkays... ending here,,tata~^^
YSaturday, March 1, 2008' 3:41 AM

hi peeps....
tis pic nice ba...^^
dun0 at whr find de....
today woke up early in th morning do housework....
cus so sian....XD
realli nth to do lo...
den online 4 awhile den gt ready 4 tuition....
mum scold miie 4 someting..
den i very buay song...
she bad mood den vent her anger on miie...>.<
im nt her punching bag or watever kays....
den she g0 call her friend den siam out of house...
dun0 go whr tis time agn....-.-
dun care lurhs...
den ate skittles sour....
nvr msg dear cus gastric pain kays...
i knew it lo,, everytime eat tis sweet sure gastric pain de...
so wat? i jus love it....XDDD
den go tuition realli very pain den lie my head on th table...
tcher keep on scold miie...
den i told her my science gt a1 for ca...
tt shutted her mouth up,,
aanyway, today she teach de also test b4 lur...
den go take bus home,,
purposely miss one bus cus dun0...XDD
den reach home le jiu online,,
chat with dear...
nw haven eat dinner....HAHA...
ending here,,
btw.... i love dear...>.<