YWednesday, April 30, 2008' 10:56 PM
hi humans....
this week was.... arggh.. a torturing week.
first time i studied so damn hard for exams.
and th HOT weather is pissing me off.
keep on sweating and sweating like what liddat.-.-
i wan that
TY mp4!!!
hmm.. tuesday went to hello kitty shop with jean mei at admiralty place thr.
then bought hello kitty pens and and big plushie hello kitty keychain.
got one hello kitty cupboard damn nice lurs.>.<
got one hello kitty clock also damn nice lurs
got one hello kitty plushie damn big lurs, so cute
got one hello kitty keyboard damn nice lurs.
then that day night study for geog until about 3am.
then just drop dead and sleep on th floor.
when i wake up at about 4.30am my back and neck is pain de l0.
the floor damn solid lurs.
*if its not solid then what?XDD*then glance thru all goeg textbook before preparing for school.
after studying for so many bloody hours, i still don have confident.
then at school morning assembly ms lam say,' A1?'
i shook my head, then she gave me that kuku look.-.-
overall, the paper was difficult de lo....
but i wrote al0t of... nonsense?? lol.
i tried my best,
and if this time round it don come out fine,
*yue qing will cry der.>.<*i wun cry.XDD
hahas, stupid exams only, no big deal! :D
then today woke up, ate breakfast, then study agn.=.=
n0w using com.
ending here,
tata. x)
YSaturday, April 26, 2008' 11:50 PM
hi humans....
brother high fever...
ytd whole night never sleep cause he was vomiting..
then had to bring him downstairs clinic queue up.
damn loadsa ppl de lo.
mum also not at h0me...
today needa wake up early go tuition somemore.
really feel so tired lurs.
mum meet me at cwp aft tuition cause she was at thr shopping.
then came home, she saw dad, quarrel agn lurs.
wala0, see each other must quarrel isit?
one day shuttup can0ts?
i was at thr reading ge0g and then they quarrel..
how can i study in this type of envir0ment?...
ytd damn tired lia0 today go tuiti0n then come home somemore needa prepare for mye.
what the hell, they still add fire to fuel isit??
i kn0w i shouldnt but i cried...
n0b0dy likes to see their parents treat each other as enemies de 0k.
its n0t a once in a while thing ok, everytime see each other jiu quarrel.
FUCK! so buay song each other, divorce lahs!!
i already very concentrate on memorising my goeg they at thr quarrel..
KNN CCB lahs!!
i kn0w i shouldnt sc0ld vuglar but i really cant stand okays!
n0w i finally kn0w y mum comes back home so late...
and y dad ch00se t0 stay 0utta h0me...
aiya i d0n care lurs....
ending here, want g0 study ler.
YFriday, April 25, 2008' 9:39 PM
hi humans.
nth to write lurs...
exams exams exams.-.-
grrs... im not in th mood to have exams.>.<
somemore i think theres someting wrg with my brain.
i kept daydreaming and so damn blurr....
ppl talk to me i also dun0...=.=
i retard lurs.
use this pig brain go exam...
fail lia0 lurs.....
damn funny somemore last week...
one day before th eng paper i study on my bed...
and my whole bed cover with books and papers lo...
i studied until about 2am and its th day we have our eng paper..
then buay tahan lia0 just lie back and sleep...
what the... sleep with books siol..=.=
den suddenly i sleep halfway like got somebody remind me i got exams like that,
i woke up shouting 'conjunctions' at 4am in th morning
damn funny lurs...
den i faster take out conjunctions worksheet read...
like sia0 zha bor like that...
i really mind th results can...
if i drop again mum will use parang ch0p me der...>.<
den read until about 5am bathed den go cwp take bus...
didnt want to walk cause g0t two big blue black on my right leg and i sprained th same leg today...=.=
cause i was daydreaming when i walk...-.-
i didnt want to daydream yet i daydream!! ROARS~
ending here,
YMonday, April 21, 2008' 1:17 AM
hi humans.
last weekend until t0day, l0adsa tings happened.
g00d news is, i passed my mass run!
hehe, sec0nd time i passed this year. :D
maybe bcause of th silent encouragement sisters and dummy gave me? LOL.
at first i t0ld AIAI d0n need help me take bag le, cause i will pass!
and i really did!:)
hmm, saturday was ok, th talk by th mister was funny and g0t sense.
haha, mummy didnt talked to ms lam in th end
as there was a long queue of parents waiting to talk to ms lam?!
like ms lam is a superstar? LMAO.XD
went out to shop and ate with AIAI, joanne, chelsea, gina aft th seminar.
was not happy on sunday when i went tuiti0n.
i can't believe ze h0ng t0ld alvin they all!x(
i thought he would tell... hais.
hes just making him and me feel embarrass in tuiti0n class,
and that makes me not feel like talking to him to avoid misunderstandings and rumours.
and alvin just play a prank and use ze h0ng's phone to text ily to me.
that msg really doesn't make my day ok.
i feel so being teased.>.<
this whole thing is screwing me up and will piss me off sooner or later...
and that day they just bla bla bla and i just kept silent...
and they just say silence means consent and that means i like him...
wth... silence means consent?
i'm just waiting for baby...
its such a simple fact and they want me to repeat how many billi0n times huh?
just so screwed up that day lur,
then want find dummy pour out my sorrows de.
then what attitude he gave me.
what the... hes like, attituding me then just khup my phone....:'(
i haven attitude him he attitude me?!
i so down liao he still like that..
he called to apologize around midnight. hehe.:)
then i told him everything until about 3am??!! LOL.
then i didn't wanna talk about that thing so i changed the topic into... porn. haha.
i kept asking him about horny things and he kept saying, 'wa~ sensitive lehs!'
laugh till peng~
when he paiseh he sound so silly and cute can~!
then talk until i felt asleep lo....
i was like sleeping with the phone beside my ear.
until about 5.30 when my alarm rang then i kn0w he didn't khup.
he said wait for me to wake up.
aww.... so sweet can!
but i think his home phone bills won't be as sweet. XD
i can't imagine his mum's face when she saw the phone bills. LOL.
so sorrays lur.>.<
dummy sure get nagging from his mum.
we were texting in sch continously.
and ms lam changed my place to the back row with kai feng and samuel there.
good thing is, i can text without getting caught.
bad thing is, i can't see the white board clearly!! x(
today is a great day. :)
but i was so horny that dummy didn't want to sms me for a period of time.>.<
sorry lurs. too many things i want to know? LMAO...
after school as usual, dexter and jean went off, qingye and huimin went off.
and, i'm alone again.:(
sometimes i really wish dummy lives nearer and not jurong. -.-
i didnt want him to travel so far...
hais. he couldn't be there when i needed him.
ending here,
YThursday, April 17, 2008' 3:32 AM
hi humans.hmm. quite l0ng didn't p0st? LOL.lazy lur~n0. i sh0uld say, i'm hardw0rking cause i studied s0 hard f0r maths and i finally pass chap 2 and 3!!yays~!!q(^o^)p*siao.-.-*i g0t 20/30.haha. s0 happy that i passed finally.unf0rtunately, jean g0t 3...she didn't try her best l0...nvms, perfect 3. hehe. xDqingye m0re pr0....0ne perfect and sm00th hard-boiled egg. 0.XDDh0pe u all will w0rk hard yea?its n0t th time t0 say yay when we fail n0w.hmm. t0day g0t h0me ec0ns practical exam.and was sad. q(T.T)pcause i make 0ut what tcher's saying cause she kept 0n say,'test'den last week i didnt g0 f0r practical cus f0rg0t t0 bring ingredients ma...den t0day tcher ask, 'wh0 nvr d0 test last week'she was talking ab0ut written test n0t practical test.i th0t she was talking abt practical den i raise up my hand like a dumb. q(=.=)pb0th als0 call test, h0w i kn0w oo. q(>.<)pden tcher sh0ut at miie, 'BLURR S0T0NG LA THIS GIRL! STOP DREAMING LA.'what th, i feel s0 humiliated lur....yea s0 wat i'm a blurr s0t0ng? need t0 say 0ut? s0me m0re use s0 'i look d0wn 0n u' v0ice..first time tcher sc0ld miie like humiliating miie l0,even ms lam didnt sc0ld miie liddat b4.cant c0ntr0l my tears den i cried while d0ing th written exam given this week. q(T.T)pyala, cry baby lur, kena sc0lded jiu cry......budden luckily n0 0ne saw, if n0t damn paiseh si0l.-.-u w0n't understand th feeling unless u r th 0ne being sad liddat l0.den thru0ut th wh0le practical exam i kept finding tings t0 d0 t0 make myself busy.s0 that i wun keep tinking ab0ut this dumb thing. >.<den aft th wh0le practical tcher went thru 0ur presentati0ns.she say agn,' aft i c ur presentation den can clear, d0nt act like s0me blurr sotong.'hais. i...... aiya, nvms lur.just kept j0king l0, felt 0kie aft g0ing back t0 class. x)aft that was english, then recess.didn't eat anything t0day cause n0 m0od lia0 and din't feel like eating.aft that was maths test chap 4, i did study f0r it and i th0t it will be damn difficult and damn l0adsa qns.in the end, three qns? just three qns..... 0mg, faint lur la. i did every single qn in th textbk f0r that chapter and mr tan just gave us THREE QNS!tupid br0 la, bully miie 0nly.i bl0gging den keep ask miie clean this clean that.he tink i wat? maria 0r h0use cleaner?...but he t00kaway mac f0r miie.0kie lur. thanks cans.....ending here la,t00k 1hr t0 post this p0st bcus 0f my 'NOBLE' br0........tata...................:'(
YThursday, April 10, 2008' 1:48 AM
hi humans.
s0 l0ng nvr p0st ler.
this week damn l0adsa tests l0.
ge0g, chinese, literature and MATHS!!!
ggrrs. i sure fail all lia0.
hmph, hai da0 miie study until s0 late f0r it.
c the test paper i c0mpletely g0ng dia0 l0.
maths and literature damn hard der.>.< den tues g0t chinese 0ral, damn nerv0us de l0... i d0n even kn0w what im saying si0l. aiya d0n care lur~ i all d0n care. fail jiu fail... d0 i l00k like i care....=.= study s0 hard als0 n0 use. everytime under my expectations. is my expectations t00 high 0r i really stupid???
0nly dummie feels that i'm n0t happy....
0nly he understands miie...
its like we g0t telepathy huh??
HAHA everytime 0nly he w0uld cheer miie up.^.^
i really 0we him al0t....
everytime purp0sely make fun 0f him and dee sia0 him....
den keep 0n attitud-ing him.
but he didnt say anyting 0r blame miie.
i kn0w he kn0ws i d0nt mean it.
at least i kn0w 0ne funny fact ab0ut him.
shh.... say 0ut dummie will very pai seh der~
just that he kept asking miie that questi0n which i really d0nn0 h0w t0 answer.
he said we will last l0ng if we............
but i really dun0 wat t0 d0....
s0mem0re hes s0me0ne's ex....=.=
like this im g0ing against my principle....XDD
isnt it g00d t0 be in this current situati0n??
y wanna make drastic changes t0 my life again?
OMG. headache agn...
everytime think 0f this jiu damn headache....
t0day mr tan let us play maths game 0utd00rs...
hmm, i gr0up with surach...
haha, i miss him man.
aft nvr sit with him....
den tcher say d0 finish th leading qn den can g0 0ut find 0ther qns.
all 0ther ppl g0 lia0 surach and miie still in class.
i was like damn excited and damn anxi0us until my mind g0 blank.XDD
i keep 0n at thr gan ji0ng gan ji0ng.... den f0rget h0w t0 d0 th sum.
den surach say,' tcher we quit la, we quit la.'
den he kept 0n ka jia0 miie say i gan ji0ng jiu dun0 h0w t0 d0.
sum0re i really dun0 hw t0 d0 lo,
my maths damn l0usy der.
den tcher hinted us.
in th end is 0ur equati0ns write wrg.-.-
at last can g0 0ut.
we were like running s0 fast l0.
den in th end we haven d0 finish 0ne single qns jiu needa g0 back lia0.
aft sch g0t rdy f0r auditi0n f0r tmr.
yea, s0mething happened.
i feel damn guilty alth0ugh jean t0ld miie its n0t my fault.
hais. s0metimes i feel that th tings i d0 are just s0 stupid that led t0 misunderstandings and quarrels.
just because i'm like erm, dun0 wat la...
bef0re d0ing tings nvr use my pig brain t0 think right 0r wr0ng der.
yea, t0ld dummie that ting t00.
he didnt say im tupid, just say im t00 naive.
naive.... everytime 0nly say i naive.
ending here,
i want g0 slp and f0rget everyting agn.XDD
i tried very hard t0 keep my smile, din't i?x)
i'll smile for u and u and u and u and u, u, u, u even if i d0n't wish to.... HAHAHAHAHA~
plsss tell miie tmr will be fine....
YSunday, April 6, 2008' 2:08 AM
hi humans.ytd went t0 tuiti0n.
damn funn l0r..x)
tcher taught chap 5 sci ytd,
th b0ys kept 0n j0king. HAHA.
tcher say,' when b0ys g0 thru puberty, they g0t chest hair, s0me girls tink it is very sexy...'
den k0r said,' den g0rilla th m0st sexiest living thing lia0 w0r.'
den aft talk ab0ut l0ads 0f h0rny tings, and tcher didnt mind.
they talked ab0ut al0t and i didnt n0e all 0f that.
k0r say i t00 pure lia0, dun wan pollute my mind....=.=
den tcher say,' a healthy male pr0duces 2 billi0n sperms per day.' :O
i asked,' s0 many put whr.' LOL...
tcher say,' put in testes.'
den zi yew say,' den a super healthy male pr0duces 5 billi0n sperms per day l0.'
tcher say,' den that male bel0w sh0uld feel very heavy ba?!'
den tcher ask th b0ys,' d0 u ever w0nder y ur scr0tum is hanging 0utside?'
we all say dun0..
den tcher say,' to keep it c00l, cause b0dy temp is t00 hot.'
den k0r say,' i heard s0me b0ys dun wear underwear de, cause they say very h0t..'
LOL. nvr wear?!XD
den alvin say,' den winter n0 need wear any b0tt0m g0 0ut l0.'
tcher say,' 0k lo, u try l0... den all ur sperm freeze 0nly ma, ppl is fr0zen chicken, u fr0zen sperm is it??'
i was thr laughin ndd laughin den st0mach s0 pain....
den zi tian dun0 wats scr0tum...
tcher fed up den say, '你那两粒!' hahaha...
still g0ts l0ads 0f h0rny stuffs i shall n0t write.:)
t0day tuiti0n is sian de l0~~~
maths d0 until i kept banging th table.
is difficult de l0........>.<
i miss ytd's tuiti0n.XDD
and, i wish s0me0ne would quit sm0king.>.<
hes n0t th 0ld b0y i n0e anym0re....
ending here,
h0rny p0st?? wh0 cares.... enj0y reading yea? LOL.
anyway als0 n0b0dy b0thers t0 read.....>.<>.:)
these mem0ries are th reas0ns f0r miie t0 smile.^.^
my heart is empty now, no name is engraved there anymore....
some people should be very happy wat........


wat th... my hair like wat grass liddat.=.=
with0ut f0undati0n and blusher my face l00ks s0 pale and my panda eyes p0ps 0ut agn...=.=


scary huh? LOL. my fav slacking place.....
YFriday, April 4, 2008' 8:45 PM

hi humans.
s0 sian lur~
later g0t tuiti0n....=.=
n0t l00king f0rward t0 it..
cuz im supp0se t0 g0 retest my sci paper in th weekdays der~
bt i didn't...
haha. wh0 cares.
later get sc0lded 0nly l0rs.
anyways, AIAI g0 thr tuiti0n als0 nvr d0 hwk ma~
y sh0uld i? LMAO....
ytd night went t0 kranji this fashi0n with br0.
b0ught 0ne t0p.
f0und 0ut that Dummie is my everyday reader.^.^
nvr tagg... suan lia0 l0....>.<
nth t0 write lia0.....=.=
ending here,
qi ya0 dummie b0ught my smile agn.x)
must rmb our pr0mise kays?waiting f0r each 0ther.^.^
Labels: s0ng changed t0 数到五答应我。 s0me0ne sang it t0 miie 0nce. LOL.
YThursday, April 3, 2008' 10:52 PM
hi humans.tings are g0ing quite fine 2day.i helped jips0n, j0ash, surach and y0ngwen t0 buy newspapers with AIAI.noble yea? aing~ jks.i kept 0n dreaming in class.yayaya.... j0ash and jasmine kept 0n say me.dreaming can0ts ar? at least can tink 0f tings i cant get.x(den jean say i very dua pai. cus tcher c0me lia0 den every0ne stand getting rdy t0 greet tcher.0nly i at thr sitting, fa dai. LOL.den tcher say,'theres still 0ne pers0n wh0 haven stand up and take 0ut her textb00k...'i still at thr g0ng g0ng.XDDden jean sh0ut s0 l0ud,'LEE YUE QING.' den i sh0ck da0 immediately stand up like g0t needles 0n my chair.x)i f0lded my skirt t0day. 0nly t0day....budden recess time kena sc0ld by tcher.suay l0. tis yr first time f0ld als0 kena caught....nvms. tis type 0f tings get used t0 it lia0. xia0 ma0 la....science less0n was fine,bt jean's maths textb00k kena c0nfiscated, bt i dun0 y.mr liew put in his bag lia0 de.bt jean they all 'steal' back her b00k.jean say if mr liew ask back th b00k den say is he make l0st der.bad si0l.den i was like speechless.chelsea t0ld miie t0 ask jean t0 let mr liew c0nfiscate her b00k.she say dun bully mr liew.den i dun0 wat t0 d0.=.=actually i als0 tink jean is very bad t0 d0 tis la.she is th 0ne at fault first still wanna malign tcher....aiya, in th end jiu shi, 'NOBLE' shuan 0wn up t0 help jean?!surprise yea? i didnt believe it at first....i thought my ear pa jiao....XDDhehehehe~ im w0ndering......... y w0uld shuan wanna hlp jean huh????LOL. i tink ms lam didnt n0e abt tis ting. i was waiting f0r jean they all 0utside classr00mms lam talked t0 miie abt j0anne.yea, LCD we learned intergrity t0day,s0 i was damn h0nest and t0ld wat ms lam asked miie.XDDn0 la, nt bcuz 0f LCD......den she als0 asked miie abt s0me0ne.den i just say l0,den she asked miie abt an0ther s0me0ne.i als0 say l0.my heart is empty nw,n0 name is engraved thr anym0re......happy??
nw i n0e y ms lam nvr 0bject miie like ppl lia0.cs she n0es miie t00 well lia0.she n0es wat i dare t0 d0 and wat i dun dare t0 d0.HAHA. i chat with her abt 20mins....aft that went h0me with qingye, n0w bl0gging.plus,, i already 0ne week nvr g0 cwp slack lia0 w0rs.see i g00d girl lehs.part 0f it is because i n0 m00d,part 0f it is because everyday cwp cwp... very sian....-.-part 0f it is because i wan c0me h0me sleep. wahahaha.i really very pig ye. ytd i slept frm 3.30 till 7pm.den d0 2hrs h0mew0rk le jiu g0 back sleep until m0rning.XDDDi didn't even eat dinner. slept just t0 escape frm reality??XDDqiya0 dummie cnt c0ntact miie, cus i sleeping. XDDjust feel that, th m0re i sleep, th m0re tired i feel.maybe sleeping als0 need energy? LOL.qiya0 dummie t0ld miie, 'need energy t0 dream 0f miie ma~'LMAO....br0 b0ught l0llip0p f0r miie....s0 sweet.^.^br0 first time give miie tis yr ye,didn't even wan t0 eat it l0.....XDDand really really special thanks t0 qiyao dummie...tis wh0le week i feel s0 blue,he listened t0 my s0rr0ws,he did silly tings t0 make miie laugh like th past...alth0ugh s0metimes i attitude-d him just t0 vent my s0rr0ws,he didnt say anyting and just bear with it.s0rry f0r attituding, i wun like that anym0re...u are my best 'sister'and my best punching bag.... :)ending here,i wan g0 sleep le~tata......:)

LOL. guess wats tis.
hais. t0day gt h0meec0ns.
unf0rtunately, im th 0ne 0ut 0f th 10 ch00sen t0 d0 practical exam next week.>.<
ndd i didnt d0 my recipe. t0day 0n th sp0t d0.
and i anyhw tink 0f s0meting den i write.
wr0te al0t 0f sh0rt f0rm.
den mdm f0ng at thr talk crap agn.
im nt in th m00d t0 hear her nagging.
and i was like laughin when she sc0lded miie.
HAHA, s0 fake......=.=
in class i just made myself busy all th time t0 make myself st0p tinking abt th tings i dun wanna tink.
i tried t0 c0ncentrate s0 much that i didnt even b0ther t0 listen t0 jean when shes talking t0 miie.
s0rry lur.>.<
aft sch when t0 vista thr take bus h0me.
jean t0ld miie, my smiles have all faded recently. she n0es im faking. LOL.
i th0ught i c0uld just c0ver up everyting.
and thks very much t0 qiya0 dummie.^.^
i was crying when he called miie ytd night.
bt he didn't ask anyting abt it. thks.:)
he made miie laugh and sang a very cute s0ng. i was like laughin and crying?!XDD
alth0ugh we 0nly talked f0r abt 15 mins, bt thats th happiest day 0f th week.
y is he th 0nly 0ne thr f0r miie when im s0 sad......
y is he always th 0ne wh0 will care 4 miie when im feeling dam blue.....
y is he always th 0ne c0mf0rting miie......
y is he always th 0ne making miie laugh......
YWednesday, April 2, 2008' 12:06 AM
hi humans........
tis few days really,, n0t g00d.
hais. g0t maths test t0day.
i 0nly gt 9/17.
i expected 11, cuz i studied s0 hard 4 it.T.T
my maths just sucks can....
hais. ytd g0t pe nd NAFA.
pe ran 2 r0unds ar0und th sch. 6mins.
such a l0ng timing yet i failed agn. cus i feel like v0miting agn.>.<
hais. den f0l0w by my gastric pain l0. guess als0 n0e.=.=
dun0 tis cycle wan c0ntinue h0w many times.
grrs. i hate myself lahs!
napfa was fine, just very tired.
i saw him,
im nt in th m00d t0 have any BIG reacti0n.
0nly j0anne n0es y im s0 abn0rmally high ytd.......x(
cause i rather believe laughter is th best medicine even if its fake.
at incline pull up thr that girl t0ld miie s0meting abt an0ther him.
im s0rry i hurt him, im s0rry!
i feel s0 guilty bt wat can i d0?
everyb0dy just tel miie its my fault.
bt n0 0ne would tell miie wat t0 do?
i can d0 anyting just n0t...........
im s0 l0st ndd i just wanna make up th wrg i did.;(
ytd mum gave miie tw0 TIGHT slaps.
just bcus i talk back t0 her.
i 0nly say 'shut up can?'
i didnt kn0w mum s0 str0ng w0r.
th tw0 slaps made my cheek numb f0r 30 mins.
i didnt cry tis time as i was metally prepared 4 it lia0s.XDD
yue qing is a str0ng girl, nt a weakling kays!
i knew shes g0nna slap miie s00ner 0r later de.
den i was like telling myself, 'tw0 slaps xia0 ma0 la!'
den t0day wake up my face is pain de l0.
t0uch da0 yi xia jiu very pain.
really very pain 0kays. imagine 0ne big elephant step 0n ur face tw0 times.
wat will happen t0 ur face aft that?
thats wat happened t0 my face.=.=
pain jiu pain lur. scared uhs.
0ne m0re slap i als0 can tahan 0k! hmph~
den t0day s0 many ppl tell s0 many tings abt him.
nt 0nly he sad, i als0 damn guilty 0kays.
even bia0 jie als0 sc0ld miie.
g00d lor, g00d j0b~
c0me l0, sc0ld miie l0.
slap miie like wat my mum did if u wan t0.
0r use penknife cut miie als0 can.
at least i wun feel s0 guilty. :(
ending here,
tmr will be fine right?.......
put a fake smile 0n. at least better than n0t smiling.