YSunday, June 29, 2008' 3:46 AM

i'm somehow still wishing for it even if i knew its impossible.
on my birthday, all three wishes are the same,
yea, u all sure think my wish is to have another 100 wishes.-.-
no okays...
and, please... i don't wanna hurt anyone...
please, how many times you want me to say?
how many times you want me to say sorry to you?
how many times you want to ask me that question i don't wish to answer?
you knew the answer all along, but u didn't want to face it...
you knew i'm afraid to say out that word so u took advantage, telling everybody i'm yours.
i'm not ok?
i told you theres a big gap but u told me it is not a problem...
is it that the problem starts to form then regret?
this matter is making our friendship worsen..
can't we just be 'sisters' like we used to be?
hope you're reading.
ending here,
tata. :'(
YFriday, June 27, 2008' 10:03 PM
hellos humans..
so many days never post uhs...
had a great tiff with mummy this morning...
tupidd la~~ early in the morning nag like radio like that... >.<
like i very enjoy hearing her nags...
i enjoy better when shes not at home okays...
sometimes i really wish i'm deaf. :/
and then can't see daddy this week agn... T.T
cause he need to go overseas to settle somethings again.
ytd night damn late then sleep sia, msg-ed with jx junior until almost today,
then aft that 1 plus i want close my eyes and sleep liao de,
suddenly, ring ring~
' hello, ah qing, ah qing~~~ jonsen... jonsen he... wuwuwu~'
LMAOs, jonsen quarreled with jiamin jie again...
come complain to me again...
i realise after jonsen go ns then become botak then the temper hot until like dunno what. =.=
then talked to jiamin jie until 3plus... talked too long until my ear burning siol~XDD
oh ya, later need to buy strawberry cream lollipop for someone uhs~ XDD
ending here,
Labels: i didn't want this to happen, sorry... :(
YThursday, June 19, 2008' 6:40 PM
hi humans.
wah yesterday damn tired lurs...
about 4pm need to go sengkang give zhixin her clothes after her tuition.
then suddenly aunt called and ask me 5.30 go meet her at checkpoint to take my clothes.
*last time forget to bring back some i bought*then i was like, what the... i 6.00 somemore need to bring books to civic for mum for her courses siol~....
after giving zhixin clothes came back woodlands about 5.15, then i quickly chiong to checkpoint..
reach there aboout 5.50, then left 10 mins to go home and take books for mum!!
wa, i really wanted to shout STOP! so that time would stop...
i chiong here chiong there until no chance to breath ye. >.<
*so tired siol...T.T*int he end didn't wait for my clothes to arrive, rushed back to home again..
then took thhe books and rush to civic...
then come back very tired liao still tio grandma scoldings on the phone...
she scold me why never go take the clothes...
eh, if i go take the clothes then no time give mummy her books then how she go for her course?
*GRRS*nagg until so long...-.-
just because i never go take....
i was like holding the phone for half and hour cans....>.<
ending here,
YTuesday, June 17, 2008' 10:14 PM
FUCKK!tupidd bro,BABOON AHS? CANNOT CLOSE YOUR JIBAI MOUTH FOR 1SEC?I KNOW YOUR MOUTH IS LIKE 24HR CONVENIENT STORE LA, WOULD CLOSE ONE!come home liao keep hit my head..LAN C, i so stupid liao still hit...MY VOLCANO TOO LONG NEVER EXPLODE LIAO IS IT?! ATTITUDE ME THEN I SCARED UHS?COME LURS, SHORTIE...sorry for scolding vuglarities, but i can't stand my bro lurs...out of love is it, come home liao immediately go crazy...=.=need to write out all my emotions, if not i'm the one who will go crazy next!Labels: change of song to change mood. :) i LOVE shinhwa and dongbangshinki cans. x33, song changed to 'hey come on' by shinhwa
hi humans,
i didn't want to post, cause lazy...
*okok... i know u want say me pig again... i undertand, i understand...XDDD*post requested by jacqueline.
i was late for bout 30mins...
*yea, because of my bro la...*then instructor very what leh...
the moves is damn ah gua de lo...
still need to what, shake your butt sexily... =.=
sexily somemore....XDD
very disgusting leh~~ dunno how to dance his special style sia.... :X
then i so gong lo, kept on doing the wrong direction...
that instructor la, suddenly change my place....
then i not used to it...
LOL, didn't see smelly pig in dance room...
after dance then come uhs...
over liao lurs~~
nvm... pig overslept very normal de... i understand, i understand... LMAOs. XDD
after dance went to causeway with jayce..
and jacqueline really put that dance song in her blog. O.0
*i joking only she really put...XDD*cause i think that song is abit not nice, to me lurs...
now its currently 11am, just woke up...
hiak hiak~ today don't have dance.XDD
BUT! saturday got dance, somemore 9am to 12pm.. T.T
saturday i got tuition ye~~
*die liao lo, die liao lo....>.<*ending here lurs. takecares people.
YMonday, June 16, 2008' 1:12 AM
hi humans....
sian, two days never talked to bro and mummy lur...
everyday lock inside my room, never see bro at home also...
maybe he went to friend's house for sleep over...
then mummy everytime so late come home... :/
yea, alone for two days. nobody talked to me too, im just like a dumb, talking to myself. x(
somehow i just can't accept the fact that my parents are divorced..
its a huge blow for me, im just running away from reality..
such a big house, but i feel like i'm the only one living in it...
i have a mother, but i feel like i don't have one...
i have a father, but it seems like hes dead...
this home was once full of warmth and love, what happened to it now? :(
its not a complete home now...
no, its not fit to be called a home...
why? why does it need to happen to me?
i cherished my family not lesser than other people... :''(
it makes me recap when i was 8, mummy and daddy kept screaming at each other,
then mummy used a chair to hit daddy,
infront of me and bro...
daddy's hand just bleed and bleed, staining the whole sofa...
if career is more important, why have children?
its not them who suffer, its me ok?!
i hate mummy and daddy,
i hate this house... :(
its thundering now, and i'm scared...
if it was the past, daddy will accompany me.
but now?
i have not seen daddy for 1 month...
ending here, FUCKING thunder...
i dont wanna cover my ears and post at the same time...
father's day...i have a daddy, but i can't celebrate with him... HAHAHAHAHA!! x(
YFriday, June 13, 2008' 7:32 AM
hi humans,
not feeling well. >.<
felt nauseous but i can't vomit out anything.
*GRRs..*yesterday, (i was still at malaysia okays.)
went to computer cafe, hang there from 11am to 7pm..
sit until butt pain siol~~>.<
competed xdo with jiamin jiahui...
can't win them no matter how hard i try.>.<
*lousy yea? x(*then went to pasar malam shop shop.
i LOVE going to pasar malam canns. :D
*so many things to eat~XDD*shopped around and ate asam laksa, damn sour okays.
returned home around 8 plus?
and jiahui and xiu jun damn over de lo~
at cc there talk so much liao then come home liao still want use msn speaker talk...-,-
that jiahui ah, on sound full blast ah~ scared ppl cannot hear her boyfriend
*Nice voice issit...XD
seriously i don't like xiu jun lurs,
hes like, ' i say yes u cannot say no' that type of boy.
jiamin and me watch tv outside bedroom.
then msn chat finish liao still not enough uh? still go down living room phone with xiu jun.=.=
*scared ppl not jealous uhs? XD*jiamin and me went down to watch crayon shinchan.
*childish yea? who cares.:D*actually is to eavesdrop jiahui's conversation with xiu jun. XD
*don't say we kaypoh lurs~~ their conversation damn cute canns. x)*then we so obvious, set the tv volume to the lowest, so that we can hear...
around 2am plus then their conversation ended.
jiamin went up use com again,
i went to sleep cause i felt my gastric pain was about to attack me again.-.-
thought fall asleep lers he pain will decrease..
no use lurs, still pain until whole night never sleep...
*maybe because asam laksa too sour? LOLs.*then chatted with biaos loadsa loadsa things...
this morning aunt drove us back to singapore...
AND! tomorrow no tuition!
*yays! hahahahaha~XDD*ending here, takecares people~
tata. :D
YWednesday, June 11, 2008' 8:03 PM
hi humans.
went to tasek just now, shopping with jiamin jiahui they all.
walao, walked pass that ring shop that i bought my ring from...
so angry siol~ that 80 bucks ring kena choped away by my mum lurs~!
went to comics cafe slacked awhile, read comics.
then wet to eat mac.
i order lipton tea and added 8 packets of creamer and 12 packets of sugar. XDD
*anyway its free. >.<*damn shiok siol~
anyways, i leveled up to 40kg~
*yays~ wahahaha~*
cause kept stuffing myself with titbits, chocolates and lollipops.XD
but i think its kinda impossible, 2days increase 2kg?!
maybe is jiamin's weighting machine got problem.
ate 14 lollipops yesterday.
*pro leh~~ aiing~*
sure to get diabetes sooner or later. :x
*don't care lurs~XDD*tomorrow maybe going to computer cafe with jiamin and jiahui
gonna hang there the whole day.. :D
ending here, takecares people.
tata. :D
YTuesday, June 10, 2008' 7:20 AM
不管谁去或离,生活还是要过。可是!!已经三个星期没有看到爹地了。从来没有后悔,当时没有阻止妈咪和爹地分开...我知道只有这样,妈咪才会开心。但是,我却失去了爹地...早就预料道,他只重视他的工作,会没空来见我们。我一直告诉自己,这都是为了妈咪...但是在心里留的眼泪,又有谁会体谅?我真的好难过,好难过...*T.T*为什么父母都是这样?姨丈也是...怎么舍得为了工作离开家人,到一个很远的地方去。然后丢下表姐,到今天才发现原来表姐是很不舍得又难过的...*酱久了现在才懂。呆瓜哦~ =.=*我们真的是同命相联啊~算了,不用为了这种事伤心。反正爹地也只会工作工作工作!搞不好他已经忘记他有两个孩子了...等下要和表姐在客厅玩到深夜!哈哈~ 玩 ps 2 啦。搞不好晚上玩到睡客厅咧~*我才不要做厅长咧... XD*表姐好幼质哦。酱大了还看蜡笔小新...*没自格讲别人!我也是。:p*好拉好啦,要下去跟表姐战斗咯。*ps 2 啦。 :D*
YSunday, June 8, 2008' 8:58 PM
hello humans.:D
here at malaysia home now. LOLs.
didnt attend dance today,
*hiak hiak~XD*sian.. jiamin jiahui got school... cannot pei me go out slack.>.<
LOLs, their holiday 1 week only.
*pity uh?:)*yesterday my appetite was great!
ate loadsa things, and i foolishly thought i grown fat.
then when i measure my weight today, 38, still 38kg only!!!
*ROARS!*2 more kg will do~ is it so difficult...>.<
grandma's face so black.-.-
mummy la, everytime go complain complain....
now grandma so buey song me...
so scary~~ suddenly feel like going back to singapore...x(
then bro today like kena possessed by pig... keep on sleeping...
anyways, jiamin update tons of comics in her cupboard.
gonna browse them thru real fast,
if not sure not to complete reading all the comics before going back to singapore..
erm, sorrys gina, not gonna bring any of them back to singapore cause they are all jiamin's precious.. :)
AND! just now so bodoh, accidentally knock my head on the table when i was retrieving my clip under the table.
*knocked real hard okays.>.<**pain siol~ sob sob.T.T*orbarkar liao la.>.<
so stupid liao still knock somemore, more retard liao la. :(
wah, so big blue black... how am i gonna live with it on my head?!
*hope it recovers real soon.*sian~ gonna play cards with bro.ending here,tata.:D
YSaturday, June 7, 2008' 11:50 PM
hi humans.
i'm so dog tired.>.< yesterday pei mummy shop until so late...
went to jurong east, kranji and marsiling to shop..
our last stop is at kranji this fashion,
we shop until the store want close liao,
but that auntie so kind, see us still shopping 11.30 then close. :)
mummy bought 2 tops, 1 bottom. i bought 1 top 1 bottom.
then slept at around 4am cause was phoning with biaos'. XDD
today morning went for tuition.
*so sleepy~>.<*i came 10mins early. 0.o
then inside room only got zehong and me,
and the atmosphere was abit, erm, cold??
so damn awkward lo... if not for that thing.-.-
then headed for lunch with bro after tuition.
bro abit sot sot today, kept act funny...
LOL, anyways, thks him for making me laugh.
i teared because of something. :(
*stop thinking about it~ stop thinking about it~~*woots~ monday going back to malaysia.
at last, no need to face my own sucky life and escape to malaysia.
i miss jiamin jiahui and loads more jiejies there cans. >.<
ending here, takecares people.
YThursday, June 5, 2008' 10:29 PM
hi humans.....
half dead already....
instructor is making me go crazy lurs...
luckily today last day, no need go through his monsterous training tmr. :/
today went to school for dance..
instructor damn strict today siol...
do so many warm ups...10.30 then give us break...
so tired until i siao lo, during break kept laughing and laughing for no reason?
then went back to hall again to do the dance, with cloth this time.
then whole thing finish liao instructor still ask us to do sit ups push ups and running.-.-
then i was like dog tired already... really think we are robots ah...
somore monday need to bring what stupid jeans, i don't wear jeans de...
i only wear short jeans...
track pants cannot meh?
jeans so uncomfortable, track pants more comfortable ma...XDD
somemore need white shirt...=.=
black bottom and white top, go funeral meh~LMAO.
ending here, no strength to type liao..:(
YTuesday, June 3, 2008' 4:59 PM
hi humans.
today went to school for dance practice again...
i was late for 30 mins. :/
*sorry lurs, oversleep ma..>.<*then did warm ups for the first hour, follow by 15 mins break.
did group activities for the second hour, this time our group was called, 'bangla'...
and the other group was called 'bish'.
yea, HAHA....
then did the dance for the last hour,
must specially say sorry to someone because he did the wrong direction and i shouted at him...
*real loud...*quite easily pissed off this few days. hais.
sorry yea, jun xiang...
then went home straight away after dance, cause i was like dog tired.... -.-
tomorrow got dance again...>.<
ending here, short post yea? takecare people.
YSunday, June 1, 2008' 10:58 PM
hi humans.
today went to school for dance practice at 9am.
i want sleep nah~~ >.<
*pig pig~*late for about 2mins? LOL. don't care lurs, i come already very guai liao wors.
damn funneh lors. XD
did group activities for the first hour,
our group is called ' i don't know'?! the other group is called 'toilet bowl'?! LMAOs.
then instructor very what lo, "stand up, sit down, touch the matress, take the chairs, carry the two boys." =.=
instruct us like robots.-.-
then did the dance again...
i look stupid siol... LOL.
the boys i think did not quite nice? so instructor said, "just catch the BALLS..." LMAO.
then we all think the wrong way agn. XDD
aft that after the whole dance thing tcher annouced the names for the NDP neighbourhood thingy lurs...
my name was in, but last week it wasn't.
then ms farah said because some attendance not consistence..
jun xiang also not consistence, he also in.=.=
after dance went to cwp for lunch with jayce.
then went shopping and slacking for awhile...
headed home after that.
at the lift there got three little boys very bad siol...
i went in the lift but they kept pressing the outside button making the lift unable to close and go up.=.= and they kept laughing...
i see they all look so cute and innocent so never scold them.. just look at them then they shoo-ed off.>.<
do i look so fierce? LOL.
ending here, takecare people.
tata. :D
Labels: i will forget... eventually. i know its just all your lies.. don't tell me you love me anymore. :(