YFriday, August 29, 2008' 10:43 PM
starring today, micky yoo chunnie !<33
he can really take your heart away, HAHA.
yesterday was uber funnnn~
oh ya, HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY ! teehees :)
had a walkathon,
i loveeeee it okays...
just went crazy and chiong for 7 rounds.
and our class won! HAHAs.
good effort 2e2, especially the boys alrights.
whats the prize uhs?
MILOssss, again. LOL.
had recess and took back our report books.
okays, i felt like crying instantly because my results are like...
i lower by 2 ranks and i'm currently 17 only. (')3(')
okays, i promise i'll work triple hard for EOY yea?
alot of people improved, chelsea, jean, peiyu, jipson, chunyeow..
keep it up yea! :D
then had assembly at the hall, loads of alumnis uhs.
the whole assembly was niceeee~
hmm, mr justin looks handsome in school uniform uhs, mr billy too. XD
but my leg muscles are so pain till today. T^T
yesterday i was so engrossed in walking until... HAHA...
oh ya, yesterday brother had a small tiff with wgss people,
don't touch my brother, lax luhs~ accident only..
but brother was to blame too okays..
went to pasar malam with brother at night,
ate loadsa thingys~
then went home with loadsa titbits,
ate 8 packets of variety titbits with brother while reading novels,
i didn't realise i ate so much in the first place...
i was so engrossed in reading. xp
god i'm fattening luhs, cannot, must control, must control...
didn't plan to go anywhere today, felt like going back to malaysia luhs.>.<
i miss cousins uber much !
cannot cannot, EOY coming....
study, study like a nerd....XDD
ending here, work hard people,
YThursday, August 28, 2008' 2:49 AM
yesterday my mood was damn sucky alrites...
dad came again, to take some things and stayed for awhile...
but i was not happy at all...
i saw his phone and read his msges...
its not that i kaypoh, thats the only way to find out hows he doing.
he won't tell us anything everytime he sees us...
then i read msges that mum and dad quarrel,
some are really so hurting..
then went to have a nap..
but tears just flow, its so heart breaking, those heartless msges...
so hurtful, i just can't bear to see them like that.
now i know, people can be really evil if they hate someone,
even if they loved each other, once... so deeply...
today went to school, those msges kept flashing through my mind,
thinking of it,
everytime at home theres always something that makes me sad, :'(
till today then i understand why am i always so happy in school.
cause thats the only place where i feel happy,
at home?
i'm just a retard that foolishly think my parents would reunite just for me one day...
then after school i stuff myself with work,
thats maybe why i volunteered to help Sarah and chunyeow to do things.
i just wanted to stuff my brain with full of things to get away from those thoughts,
cause nobody is there after sch to make me laugh..
then i went to DnT room and found joanne sarah rachel joesis jasmine there,
then did lots of keychains with acrylic...
then then went home alone,
THEN i forget to give joanne her products, they are in my bag,
nvms, tmr i'll give it to her...
ending here, takecares ppl...
Labels: what is the limit of hatred?
YTuesday, August 26, 2008' 2:19 AM
had lessons as usual today,
and P.E was uhuh...
i got hit by sarah using the dunn0 what plate lahs~
on the back, two times... real hard... so pain lurs..>.<
then when i was bathing today, a blueblack.>.<
nvms, accidents do happened, im just sad that you didnt apologise...:(
then mr adrain told us to aim the pole, if miss must do push up one time,
but i kept missing and was continously doing push ups,
but i got hit by szeyong with the 'plate' on the head....
then~ so pain until the next round i didnt miss and i didnt need to do push ups...
after that recess was the fun part okayssss,
as usual we took orders from the class...
and syarul want to write his order his own so i gave him the pen and paper,
and he wrote, "BOILED COCK"
LOL, i blurr for a second, and didnt understand what he was writing
then i was thinking, canteen sells boiled cock meh?
then i regained my senses and realise it was B-O-I-L-E-D C-O-C-K,
and not any other food sold in the canteen...
okaysss, BODOH me, i know...
and as usual, 8 burgers and jean and me had to take a tray again,
at first we told chung zheng to help us take,
but he ate so slow like ku niang... aiing~XD
then jean was caught by ms thia and i managed to flee,
but i didnt know ms this caught her,
she ran to me and told me to tell the 8 burger owners to go down and eat their burger,
sorry guys, didnt managed to smuggle your burgers to class.>.<
then went home after school cause daddy came home today,
YIPEESS~ i miss him damn much okayss,
finally after a month i could see my mr busy father again,
but for only 3 hrs, and now hes gone already,
cause he didnt want to see mummy,
but but mummy 9 then come home okayssss....>.<
from now onwards till october then can see my real bloody father...
thinking of it makes me wanna tear....:'(
ending here,
sometimes i wonder,
am i the cause who caused all this to happen to my family...:/
YSunday, August 24, 2008' 2:10 AM
isnt he freaking handsome?

jejung from
hellos. :D
did maths for half a day,
and im going bonkers....
i donn0 is it me that is just plain stupid or is it the qns which are too difficult...
i just can't understand every single qn until i read the whole txtbook for two hrs,
then i managed to do a few sums...
and its so freaking cold nowwiieeee~~
its been raining for hours....
wanted to go library, but didnt in the end...
lazy lurs~~~>.<
feel like doing D n T so much...
had fun doing my product on friday...
i was filing and filing the product for 2 hrs on friday,
until my fingers go numb and i can't differentiate what i'm filing already,
my nails or the product? LOL, jkjk...
i also got a cut from that machines uhs... the one that has a razor going up and down...
no big deal....
ending here, byebi~^.^
YSaturday, August 16, 2008' 3:01 AM
hellos. :)
just came back from the library,
sarahAIAI came to meet me halfway thru'
cause she was watching 'money 2' with gina at cwp,
so she came to find me,
*sweet or disaster? LOL, sweet luhs okayss AIAI<3*
then we kept searching for mysteries or horror chinese novels,
then then we kept make fun of the book titles, XD
then went home after that.
AND! morning i watched TVXQ in X-man, a korean variety show.
they made the boys carry girls and 23kg of rice bags,
somemore needa do squads.. =.=
xim tia, you know...>.<
jaejoong andand junsu andandand micky andandandand yunho so ke lian luhs,
cannot like that ders...
the producer of this stupid show must have envied TVXQ charisma,
so like that bully them...(' )3(')
ahhh~ can't stand luh lahs, blogg until angry le luhs. T^T
ending here,
YSunday, August 10, 2008' 9:19 PM
just finished studying history for 3 hrs.
and my forehead very pain..>.<
cause every few minutes i would doze off and my head will go *kong~!* on the table.
i was thinking of studying longer,
but in the other side, i was also thinking, i should stop and take a rest,
if not if i keep dozing off and my poor head keeps hiting the desk,
i scared i will become a retaRd.
didnt study much during the weekends,
went to malaysia luhs.
ate loadsa things on sunday,
went to pasar malam with cousins and bought carrot cake to eat,
then we bought burger,
then we ate ice and asam laksa.
after that went to tasek,
then we ate ice cream,
then we ate mac's fries.
we only spend 3 hrs doing all these things okays. XDD
then we went back home and cook tomyam instant noodles...
i was like, omg, will i wake up becoming a fatass tomorrow?
but surprisingly, i slept at 2 plus and i got hungry at 7 plus. -.-
then went down to bug grandma make things for me to eat.
i ate instant noodles.
then when everybody woked up at about 9 plus,
we went out to eat 大碗 tomyam noodles...
大碗 okays, no kidding... the name was 大碗 itself...XDD
then went back to sg after that.
ending here,
common tests, AHHHH~ nightmare...
buck up uhs,