YThursday, September 4, 2008' 12:46 AM
hellos. (^.^))
starring today...
i love this band's looks and songs...
this band i could differentiate who is who... HAHA.
Tora, Hitoro, SHOU<3,Saga,Nao
my favorite is Shou and Saga...(^.^))
Saga is uber sexy, why?
he has a sexy habit of licking his bass, XDD
weird habit... but its definitely not a bad habit uhs...
don't believe? go youtube and watch. :DD
this picture looks alike with my blogskin right...
my blogskin is also alice nine,
i thought their faces are pretty, so i put them as my blogskin. :)
today woke up at around 7.20.
i walked out of my bedroom with my eyes closed cause i'm sleepy...>.<
then the right part of my face banged onto the door,
hurted my eye too, i was blind on the eye for few seconds.
and the pain was so unbearable in the begining until my tear glands go insane and kept tearing on the particular eye only...:'(
i sat on the floor for 10mins... wasted..
then quickly washed up, changed and meet qingye at around 8,
and went to school together...
saw chunyeow and joash at civic,
and they were going to macdonald's to eat breakfast,
8.10 already ye~
play truant uhs... XDD
901 was very very slowwww~~~ we waited for almost like eternity? LOLs..
finally, reached school at around 8.30.
mr tan had already started the lesson long ago,
i did miss out alot i think...
but i managed to catch up after that. :)
mr tan was damn hilarious...
kai feng unbutton his shirt then mr tan said, "kai feng, why? want to show your cleavage to mary ann ah?"
LOL... so funny...XDD
then he say 'median' to 'meandian'. HAHA..
thats the fun part about mr tan, his silly acts..
AND, muhan gave me TVXQ's poster and stickers..:D
after remedial went home...
and now blogging. :)
nowadays i can't fall asleep...>.<
i kept hearing footsteps and scratching of walls in themiddle of the night...:/
mummy and brother didn't hear it...
last few days i secretly crept into brother's bedroom and sleep on the matress on the floor,
then i couldn't hear anything...
yesterday night i slept in my room i could hear!!>.<
vivid footstep sounds...
yerr, don't want to continue further,
my hair are standing.
and i'm alone at home...:(
ending here,
YTuesday, September 2, 2008' 2:32 AM
oh ya, starring today...
nightmare or ナイトメア.
a visual kei band,one of my favourite band too~(^.^))
their songs are great...
Hitsugi from nightmare,
he looks quite scary right?
i think so too... okays, no offence.
but hes the best example for visual kei alrights. :)
and, hes quite cute if he don't put make up. >.<
whole nightmare band, consists of 5 members.
and in this picture i can't differentiate who is who...
cause they all are like looking the same, with alike make up..
i know Yomi is in the middle, maybe because of his height? haha.
Yomi, the lead singer.
hes cute because of his height,
155cm... nevermind, cute can already...XDD

SAKITO, my favorite member. :D
because hes so thin and tall and so pretty..(>.<))
and his face is so longgg~~
hmm, i posted twice today, neverminds...:)
bye~ ^.^
hellos. :D
had dance practice today,
i was uberrr hungry in the middle of the night,
dunn0 why, i ate two packet of instant noodles for dinner...
cause mummy came home real late and i lazy takeaway... haaaa~
then woke up with an empty stomach and rushed to meet joesis,
then then went to school tgt,
then then then dance dance dance~
i didn't like the new dance music cause it sounds so dark and scary...
i was so so so hungry halfway through and felt like throwing up,
after dance waited for jaycelyn to finish their discussion with ms farrah,
went to pasar malam after that,
bought things to eat and saw loadsa hello kitty...
hello kitty is not childish okays, shes cuteeee~ :)
i'm also not that into hello kitty already,
my kitty pens are rapidly decreasing...>.<
good news~~
aunt finally gave birth, to a reallllll cute BOY,
okays, i haven't see the baby...:D
i wanna rush back to malaysia to see the baby lurs. >.<
oh ya, and his name is, Lee Jun Jie.
and i'm sure we can't communicate because we'll have generation gap, HAHA.XDD
when hes my age i'm probably an old hag already,
i'm too old~ :/
tmr have dance, thursday and friday have maths tuition...
and after weekend, thats te end of my holiday. (T^T))
ending here,
study, study study~~