YSaturday, March 21, 2009' 8:26 AM

Xinyi. ;) mushroom head uh, same as me. >.<

JUNJIE, so cutee~ ;D 9mth 10kg baby, almost half of my brother.-.-
slim down yea. XDD seriously hes overweight, i have no idea wheres his chin.. LOL.
but like that then cute ma.. ;]

hello hello hello~ ;D
at malaysia now, (i know, i said i wasn't going to malaysia on the previous post. xp)
cause yesterday night, everyone was at home watching tv quietly..
suddenly, mum : lets go malaysia~
i haven say yes or no, she just fished out her hp and punched malaysia home's number..-.-
anyways, today reached around 10am plus.
ate breakfast with everyone.. suddenly morning is so noisy~
i mean, spending mornings in my own home is like dead slience.-.-
maybe thats why i like going to malaysia that much. ;p
makes me feel more home compared to my own home? LOL.
blah blah blah~
5 plus went to pasar malam, tasek that side de,
super hot de~>.< although its raining,
bought a bag, mum bought bro and bag and bottom too,
Xinyi cousin came with us too, she so cute and obedient luh.. :]
plus her hair, makes me think of ying tao xiao wan zi.XD
went back after around 3hours(?) cause the rain is getting heavier and heavier.
watched jiamin jie play maple then fell asleep after awhile.
wa just now ah xiang fell down and his head knock onto the metal gate.
shocked me sia, head lei... later become sot liao then he know..-.-
after 5 minutes a big blue black grew on his head.. gross man~
he still can act as nothing happen and play his psp.-.-
without games he will die isit? game addict otaku sia~XD
and my holiday homeworks are not completed yet~
although i complete most, but a maths still haven't.-.-
i dislike a maths luh~ >.<
ending here, jiamin jie now downloading Detroit metal city,
maybe watching later, if i manage to be awake. ;D
tata. ;D
YFriday, March 20, 2009' 1:45 AM

Woots~ Zemeidao(left) super handsome~ :D

hello hello hello~ ;D
just came back from library.
FINALLY~ completed most of ss project~ happyy~ ;)
today suppose to have physics remedial at 9am.
i woke up at 8.59am.=.-
quickly brush up, prepare and chiong to school~
gastric pain came to find me again. okays~ i admit yesterday i ate tomyam again~ AHAs.XD
reached school around 9.30, sucha early bird.. haha~XD
but heyy~ chelsea came later than me. :p
after remedial went home, changed, then went to library with joanne and chelsea to do the project.
in the end went to mac cause joanne was hungry.
then blah blah blah~
chelsea left around 1 plus to go meet her boyfriend.
after she left joanne and me headed back to library again. LOL.
finally found empty seats and continued doing the powerpoint.
saw someone, LOL, should i say.. still as cute? XDD
we spent 30mins on one slide..-.- cause our one slide got alot of layers~XD
joked and crap all the way, and i must say, super tiring lahs~
wanna sleep, at first should be 2 plus everyone can go home de, drag until 4 plus..>.<
went home and now blogging.
lots of homework incomplete, how? i'm dead beat.
and not going to malaysia anymore. :(
ending here, tata.
Labels: can't get over you. :/, Maybe i'm still trapped
YTuesday, March 17, 2009' 3:26 AM
hello hello hello~ ;D
went to school for cca today also.
worn out, tired, dead beat~>.<>.<
i really one big pig sia~ XD
reached, then blah blah blah~
break time went to vista to eat, i must say, i dislike someone's attitude, liwen knows..
he hurt her and one ''k...'' only will do is it?
she cried for him, and yet he said "k.." only~ OMG~ i can't stand it...
at least say sorry to her luh... are you a man or not? you owe her a BIG apology manzxzxz... :/ aiya, just didn't like his way of talking luh, don't want her misunderstand should tell her earlier ma~ don't let her carry hope till yesterday, then broke her heart, again..-.-
i'm not angry luh, just feel so unfair for her lo...>.< YOU will regret for not cherishing her.
lj luh, hate to see girlfs sad sia~>.<
rushed back to school, late and ran, the mr puah/kuah or dunno what ask me to run,
(was late cause we went to play swings. hehe~)
ask him how many rounds he show me one cock face..-.- dunno how to speak is it?
i should have ran straight into the toilet and pee first, cause my bladder is bursting..LOL.
in the end i ran 12 rounds while others run 10 rounds only.. thanks to him. ;/
did kicks and spins for so many times, almost fainted.
finally, cca ended around 4.15, waited for liwen then headed home. ;D
gosh, i miss biao jies, i wanna talk to them, so many
sorrows i wanna pour.i wanna go malaysia~ miss grandma and all in my mind..
ending here, tired, really tired...
Fate brought them together for so long, and then broke them apart. Thats fate.
Stitch? haha~
Labels: Just, mentally and physically tired. :/
YMonday, March 16, 2009' 3:11 AM
hello hello hello~
today went to school early in the morning for cca.>.<
meet jojo and go to school together,
reach le mr kuah/puah or dunno what haven't reach.-.-
till 9 then reach, we late he can scold luh, he late nobody dare to scold him luh~
did the same moves over and over and over and over again for 3 hours(?) tired..
chatting with hazel and liwen about so many things, liwen, dare to say you not jealous uh..
trust you to cry for such minor things.XD don't need to think too much. :D
i also dunno why girls like to think and think and think so many things..
i admit i'm also like that luh. then jojo la~
say dirty things uh, laughed until stomach cramp..
i think i remember one is, if your boyf la with you but you not willing what will you do?
she said bite his tongue until he bleed to death.XD somemore say what chewy...-.-
gross sia~ after cca in toilet more funny~
we say until la then everyone in the toilet are like playing with their tongue.LOL.
this type of things no need to practise de~~XDD funny sia~
after that headed to causeway, shopped with liwen and jojo..
kept crapping in chameleon(?), didn't know jojo likes "gigantic" things. haha~
around 6 accompanied liwen takeaway her dinner then went home. ;]
my tummy hurts, i think i gonna have my period soon..>.<
ending here, muscle super pain.(')3(')
tata. :D
tomorrow still have cca~ gosh~ :O
Labels: we are not perverts. XD
YSunday, March 15, 2009' 4:26 AM
hello hello hello~ ;D
yesterday's carnival was funnn~
spent most of the time walk walk with Aiai,
hoho~ teased her all the way, FRANCEE~~ XD
hey, i ain't teasing actually.. i'm helping her okays~
i must say, she has good taste. she dugged a diamond. ;D
and Aiai, since you wanna know that adorable expression you should be there when i talked to that person... i'm gonna make you jealous~ aww, his expression is so darn cute,>.< you missed it, i saw it, too bad~ muahahaha~xp jealous? jealous?? LOL. joking luh..
went into the haunted house with kenny and jiaen, not with jipson.-.-
almost went in with him, cause joanne kept pushing me to go with him..
can't imagine what will happen if i go with him,
cause i was like...inside the haunted house.-.- don't mention luh, embarrassing..XD
i BIG sorry to kenny okays, cause i think i was scarier and more horrible than the ghost.XD
but i really very scared ma~ especially liwen uh, act pontianak act until super real lo,
she kept pulling my shirt like want to strip me like that.. XD
although i know shes liwen but i'm still scared of her. dumb..-.- haha~
after the whole thing sore throat, cause i was like screaming all the way..=.=
oohya, many teacher got dunked, when ms thia got dunk i was so happy that i clappedso loud until ms lam saw and said, " yue qing, you very happy hor?"
of course luh, old virgin gets dunked ye~hoho~XD
everything ended at around 4, and i still have $14 coupons..-.-
in the end spent all buying CO's sweets. supportive eh? haha~
today did nothing else except shopping with mum.
wore shoes that will hurt again, now leg swollen already~ :O
ending here,
tata. ;D
YThursday, March 12, 2009' 10:36 PM
i like this last one. ;D
its all made of transparent tape.. nice right~~ :]
hello, hello, hello~ ;D
today school as usual..
chatted with ivan in bus.
then reached school rushed through chinese homework..
it isn't homework, i thought it was.-.- i do finish then i know.
then then then suddenly everyone went back to class, i also dunno why. XD
first period chinese, bored.-.-
oohya, i got A1 for my chinese. hehe. :D
then english, i'm bound to fail the english quiz, anyhow write..>.<
chemistry, super bored la~ why Mr Tan S.L don't have sense of humour de...-.-
blah blah blah,
last period, report cards~~ :O
i did so badly.>.< position 19.. not happy luh.(')3(')
overall failed humanities and A maths.
AND~ congrats to dearest er biao jie, she got her results yesterday.
she called me and the first thing she said is, 7As.. LOL.
7As, no kidding..-.- i must say, shes a real genius. 7As leh.. 变态~ haha~XD
proud of her laa~ ;D wanna go to m'sia and huggg herr~ >.<
ending here, tata. (^.^))
hello hello hello~ ;D
quite long never post le wor~
today school as usual... bored~>.<
plus today is the maths marathon loo~
blah blah blah~
plysics din't have spa, but uber funny.XDD
joanne says her mum often use newton's third law on her.XD
cause mr junus at first say what if someone slap you what will happen to you?
then we all say slap him/her back loo~LOL.
actually hes asking what do you feel luh...
then joanne say, ''oo~ now i know, my mum expert in newton's third law~'' haha~XDD
after school had dance, we din't really dance alot.-.-
i should have pon de..><
nothing to do de, see the alumnis play drums only...(')3(')
ending here, i'm dog tired now~><
tata. (^.^))
reply of tags.
Sarah : of course luh, uber paiseh lei..>.<WENHAO! : okok, will link you. ;DMAYBELLE : Maybelle. :D haha. xpJipson : i doubt you are jipson.=.= junjie right~~ stop it luh...Joesis : JOJO~<33>XiIaOlIiNgG : YUP, HANDSOME RIGHT?! haha.. last time i always say only right?now post for you to see. ;D
YSaturday, March 7, 2009' 10:18 PM
hello hello hello~
yesterday had dance, quite not tired. :D
just that CO were there, made me nervous until my legs can't stop trembling.>.<
anyways, cca ended at around 12.15 then wanted to go to the d n t thing de,
cause ava got aircon. XD
but it ended alrdy and teacher helped us do the grouping alrdy.
so headed to foodcourt to eat with jojo, jayce, liwen.chatted, and jojo went off first due to her mum's volcano want erupt liao.XD
shopped with jayce and liwen, bought things in more than words then they both went off too,
walked back home alone, alone at home again....
bro wented for basketball with his friends and mum went out with her friends to dunno where again..
had nothing to do and didn't want to start thinking of rubbish again so bathed, changed and headed to library to study. act guai...=.= haa~
i did study, for about 5 hours?
that 5 hours he was out of my mind. ;)
around seven plus dad came to find me, followed by bro.
i wanted to go home and sleep cause study until super tired and my eyelids felt heavy.
but they say want eat mac so go eat lo~haha~ bro kept joking, damn funny.XD
after that chiong home bathed again and drop dead on bed. hehe..>.<
today although mum din't go out but she was studying for her dunno what exam luh.-.-
then bro went down to play again...
so sian nehhh~>.<
sometimes i wish god would give me a toy, who will talk with me chat with me and play with me, listen to my sorrows and be by my side. :/
ending here,
tata. ;D
YFriday, March 6, 2009' 1:51 AM

Anming. ;D

gosh, damn shuai luh~ the right one is Ze mei dao, looks like wu chun right? ;D
the right one, damn cute.>.<>
sian~ hehe, wanted to sleep de, but just can't fall asleep..
so po these pretty boys... don't say i selfish saw shuai ges never share uh~XD
saw in a forum luh. they look like girls right?
oh... i saw you droolingggg~ aiing~XDD hahas.
YThursday, March 5, 2009' 9:47 PM
hello hello hello~ ;D
my shoulder is better now. hehe~
yaya, credits to bro, he yesterday bo liao help me massage. XD
today school as usual, every friday passes so fast loo~
first period chinese, didn't complete homework but mrs liu didn't punish me only lei...
other never do also got punishment.XDD
second period english, had spelling and blah blah.
chemistry super boring, mr tan don't have sense of humour de.-.-
d n t mr leonard came to relieve, we went to the library~ air connnn~ ;D
questioned him for his love story, haha, quite boring... not as exciting as ms fong's one. ;]
and he kept on say i talk very loud.>.<
i where got la.. i get excited is like that de ma~XD
e maths mdm tai, argh, beginning to dislike herrr~
i know~ tai jing shen, your mum super gl sia~-.- ahahaha~
drag our time, do those brain cracking sums, somemore do so slow..
after school sat down and think somethings, i swear i did consider~
but didn't go in the end, cause sure damn awkward de luh.>.<
after that went home alone. ;)
oohya, saw ms fong, mr leonard and mr quek.
haha, love triangle uh.XDD jkjk...
later maybe going out with babes, haven decided yet.
ending here,
tata. ;D
i admit i did felt guilty, but what can i do? >.<

hello hello hello~ ;D
kim jae joong so shuai~///>.//
today school as usual, went to school early to finish my chinese homework.
saw jipson wong, wa, miracle wor~ all his friends pon he never pon~=.=
wait later his ''sister'' come find me again got or not.-.-
anyways, i damn stupid luhs.. junjie acted as that dog's sister in msg then i really go believe..
yesterday then know that ''sister'' is junjie. bodoh me.>.<
then lessons as usual~ english lessons ms fong told us her love story,
i dunno its sweet or sad? haha..
then after recess maths marathon.
i hate it luhhh~ i can't concentrate. my shoulder still hurts..
yesterday was worse, pain until my neck also pain. ;/
didn't wanna apply the medicine anymore as its making my shoulder numb..
apply also pain don't apply also pain, amputate it luh~ haha~ ;DD
luckily javeline postponed until monday as yesterday heavy rain. ;D
then after 2 periods of a maths mdm tai also don't let us rest,
like let us rest a few minutes she will get skinier like that.-.-
after maths marathon was physics spa
spa was so difficult luh, i dunno what too do in the first place..
anyhow drew the graph then pass up.
had cca for like 1 hr only? then went home as my shoulder really pain,
like one big stone on my shoulder sia~
so fed up until i wanna scream~>.<
if pain is somebody i'll use a penknife and carve 'i hateeee youuu~' on it's face sia~XDD
evil uh? but its torturing me now~
and someone msged me.-.-
TAI JING SHEN, can don't so big mouth?
i'm dead beat now,
ending here, i want sleep~hehe~
tata. ;D